We have compiled a set of Frequently Asked Questions. These have been developed by staff and current parents and we will continue to add to these over time. Please do not hesitate to contact the school via email or phone with any questions that you may have.

Q. How many Prep classes will you have in 2023?

In general we aim to have Prep classes of approximately 20 students. An enrolment of 80 students would result in 4 classes - an enrolment of 60 students would result in 3 classes. We will know more about our class structure once enrolments are confirmed in Term 4.

Q. Are students from the same pre-schools placed in the same class?

We always endeavour to place students in a class with some friends if possible. If we had 15 or so students from a particular pre-school, we would probably spread this group across 2 or 3 classes. If we only had 2 or 3 students from a particular pre-school, they would probably be all placed in the same class.

Prep teachers communicate with pre-school teachers and parents are also given the opportunity to submit a friendship list on behalf of their child. Both of these processes help inform the final student placement.

Q. What times do the students eat and play outside?

All students play outside from 11.30am to 12.10pm and from 2:00pm to 2.40pm. Lunch is then eaten in the classroom from 12.10pm.

Q. What should I pack in my child’s lunchbox?

We encourage healthy food choices and Nude Food (no rubbish or wrappers). As students eat on two occasions throughout the day, it is helpful if they know which food they are expected to eat at the different times.

Q. Do you have a school canteen?

Yes, we have a canteen on site which is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for lunch orders and over the counter sales at recess and lunchtime.